Build Your Body & Add Quality Mass through

                                                            Hypertrophy in the Quickest Way Possible









                Now the crucial thing is to gallop trough weight training for making quick gains in short time. Don't be discouraged if your early days gains are not so optimum. Just keep patience and keep on experimenting till you find the right routine for yourself. It is not necessary that an exercise will give you the same results as it may to the others. It may give you less or even more, depends on your body. So, find the right one for yourself.

               You should start your workout with warmups, not much, but only enough to get you going. Your muscles are pumped with blood, so helping you to lift heavy weight. Your warmup routine may consist of skipping rope, cycling, trademill, etc.

                Now coming to the exercise part, you must combine machine exercises as well as free weight exercises in your schedule. To get the maximum benefit, you should perform 80% free weight exercises whereas 20% machine exercises. Free weights let your muscle to adapt for continuous tension and make balance. So your muscles get to do more work, and ultimately you gain more muscle mass. Machines let you perform exercises in a very strict manner, so they are great for shaping your muscles in right & particular way.

                While most of the times, you must have heard that exercises must be performed in a very strict manner. But I do not agree with that. You may do cheating to get more gains. When you lift very heavy weight, its not necessary to have a very strict form, you must use momentum, but only enough to help you to move heavy weights, and not so much as to injure yourself. Let me explain the biomechanics involved in this. When you use heavier weights, your muscle gets more tears, which get recovered with protein during rest. So next time don't hesitate to play a little with your form and use some really heavier weights.

                Now in the next pages you will get to know more about scheduling your workouts and exercises to perform.



















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